An Intelligent And Efficient HPE Storage Maintenance Alternative
Your company’s objectives and data storage need to keep changing- how is your HPE data-storage maintenance system still the same?
Your Organization’s Changing Demands Need Evolving Solutions. Our Third-party System Provides Just That
How You May Be Wasting Your Money Due To HPE’s Outdated And Inconvenient Storage Maintenance Service
AN EARLY SYSTEM REFRESH- 80% of the companies do not use their storage infrastructure to it’s optimum. This is a waste of already available resources. Your organization can delay 80% of your system updates by months and sometimes years. MISSING THE WARRANTY-PERIOD EXPIRY– A third-party storage service is not just helpful for your post-warranty services. Do you ever need to wait till your system faces a major error or recurring downtime before you contact HPE service centers, only to find out that your storage equipment’s warranty period is over? Have you ever had to pay for maintenance simply because no you did not keep track of your due warranties?